[R] naming data.frames after their source file

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Sat May 5 18:25:47 CEST 2001

David White wrote:
> Hello R-list,
> I have a batch of files that I want to turn into R data.frames for
> analysis. I'd like to use a for loop to read.table into data frame and
> name the data.frame after the source file. Here's the code I've tried:
> files_list.files(".")
> for(i in 1:length(list.files("."))-1){
> parse(text=files[i])[[1]]_read.table(files[i],as.is=TRUE)
> }

If you really want to use the filenames, be sure these filenames are
also valid names in R!

  assign(eval(files[i]), read.table(files[i], as.is = TRUE))

In most cases it is much easier to use a list of data.frames:

  my.data[[i]] <- read.table(files[i], as.is=TRUE)

> AFIK, the problem lies in the way I'm trying to name the data.frame.
> I have spent some time pouring over the R documentation, but if the answer
> was there I missed it. Any reference to the manuals or quick fix would be
> appreciated.

Uwe Ligges
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