[R] deriv value

Martin Henry H. Stevens hstevens at rci.rutgers.edu
Tue May 22 22:30:20 CEST 2001

How do I get eval( deriv(~F,"x") ) to return ONLY the values of the
derivative of F?

the default returns values of F(x), AND F'(x) as a ".gradient" attribute,
and , after reading everything I have on eval(), deriv(), and attr(), I had
absolutely no idea how to get just F'(x) evaluated a x.
Many thanks,

Dr. M. Henry H. Stevens
Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Natural Resources
14 College Farm Road
Cook College, Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551

email: hstevens at rci.rutgers.edu
phone: 732-932-9631
fax: 732-932-8746

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