[R] Changing tick mark labels

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Thu Apr 18 17:24:17 CEST 2002

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Mark Harris wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone help me out with this problem?
> After performing logistic regressions and testing the significance with
> likelihood ratios, I have plotted the results using "termplot". I am
> wondering, how to get the names of my variables to appear on the x-axis
> rather than ascending numbers?
> I have used:

The following revised version of termplot() does this (not extensively
checked, but it works on a few examples). It's a two-line change but as
R1.5.0 is already frozen this won't get added until the next version.


"termplot" <-
function (model, data = model.frame(model), partial.resid = FALSE,
    rug = FALSE, terms = NULL, se = FALSE, xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL,
    main = NULL, col.term = 2, lwd.term = 1.5, col.se = "orange",
    lty.se = 2, lwd.se = 1, col.res = "gray", cex = 1, pch = par("pch"),
    ask = interactive() && nb.fig < n.tms && .Device != "postscript",
    terms <- if (is.null(terms))
        predict(model, type = "terms", se = se)
    else predict(model, type = "terms", se = se, terms = terms)
    n.tms <- ncol(tms <- as.matrix(if (se)
    else terms))
    mf <- model.frame(model)
    nmt <- colnames(tms)
    cn <- parse(text = nmt)
    if (is.null(ylabs))
        ylabs <- paste("Partial for", nmt)
    if (is.null(main))
        main <- ""
    else if (is.logical(main))
        main <- if (main)
        else ""
    else if (!is.character(main))
        stop("`main' must be TRUE, FALSE, NULL or character (vector).")
    main <- rep(main, length = n.tms)
    pf <- parent.frame()
    carrier <- function(term) {
        if (length(term) > 1)
        else eval(term, data, enclos = pf)
    carrier.name <- function(term) {
        if (length(term) > 1)
        else as.character(term)
    if (is.null(xlabs))
        xlabs <- unlist(lapply(cn, carrier.name))
    if (partial.resid)
        pres <- residuals(model, "partial")
    is.fac <- sapply(nmt, function(i) is.factor(mf[, i]))
    se.lines <- function(x, iy, i, ff = 2) {
        tt <- ff * terms$se.fit[iy, i]
        lines(x, tms[iy, i] + tt, lty = lty.se, lwd = lwd.se,
            col = col.se)
        lines(x, tms[iy, i] - tt, lty = lty.se, lwd = lwd.se,
            col = col.se)
    nb.fig <- prod(par("mfcol"))
    if (ask) {
        op <- par(ask = TRUE)
    for (i in 1:n.tms) {
        ylims <- range(tms[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
        if (se)
            ylims <- range(ylims, tms[, i] + 1.05 * 2 * terms$se.fit[,
                i], tms[, i] - 1.05 * 2 * terms$se.fit[, i],
                na.rm = TRUE)
        if (partial.resid)
            ylims <- range(ylims, pres[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
        if (rug)
            ylims[1] <- ylims[1] - 0.07 * diff(ylims)
        if (is.fac[i]) {
            ff <- mf[, nmt[i]]
            ll <- levels(ff)
            xlims <- range(seq(along = ll)) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
            xx <- codes(ff)
            if (rug) {
                xlims[1] <- xlims[1] - 0.07 * diff(xlims)
                xlims[2] <- xlims[2] + 0.03 * diff(xlims)
	## use factor levels, not numbers, on x-axis
            plot(1, 0, type = "n", xlab = xlabs[i], ylab = ylabs[i],
                xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, main = main[i], xaxt="n",...)
            for (j in seq(along = ll)) {
                ww <- which(ff == ll[j])[c(1, 1)]
                jf <- j + c(-0.4, 0.4)
                lines(jf, tms[ww, i], col = col.term, lwd = lwd.term,
                if (se)
                  se.lines(jf, iy = ww, i = i)
        else {
            xx <- carrier(cn[[i]])
            xlims <- range(xx, na.rm = TRUE)
            if (rug)
                xlims[1] <- xlims[1] - 0.07 * diff(xlims)
            oo <- order(xx)
            plot(xx[oo], tms[oo, i], type = "l", xlab = xlabs[i],
                ylab = ylabs[i], xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims,
                main = main[i], col = col.term, lwd = lwd.term,
            if (se)
                se.lines(xx[oo], iy = oo, i = i)
        if (partial.resid)
            points(xx, pres[, i], cex = cex, pch = pch, col = col.res)
        if (rug) {
            n <- length(xx)
            lines(rep(jitter(xx), rep(3, n)), rep(ylims[1] +
                c(0, 0.05,   NA) * diff(ylims), n))
            if (partial.resid)
                lines(rep(xlims[1] + c(0, 0.05,   NA) * diff(xlims),
                  n), rep(pres[, i], rep(3, n)))

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