[R] R 1.6.1 segmentation fault

rohan sadler rsadler at agric.uwa.edu.au
Mon Dec 9 01:46:03 CET 2002


I had a segmentation fault similar to the way you described, but  
between R 1.5.1 and R 1.6.1 on RH 7.3.
All I had to do was to change the value of the environmental variables 
R_HOME and R_LIBS since R 1.6.1 was compiled in a different directory 
from R 1.5.1. I had defined these variables earlier in order to couple R 
with the data exploration package GGOBI, which may or may not be your 
case. My segmentation fault arose (from memory) primarily when trying to 
load a library since there were two library systems available, one from 
1.5.1 and one from 1.6.1.

Somebody else is likely to be more clear on this matter.


Per-Anders Wernberg wrote:

>We have been running R ver 1.4.1 on a redhat linux (7.1)cluster without
>problem for quit some time.
>Now, some user wanted me to install version 1.6.1, and it compiled fine,
>but it crashes with "segmentation fault" when you run it. I used gcc296
>(default) for compiling, Should I change compiler or is there some other
>thing I could do to  avoid this problem.
>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

Ecosystems Research Group (ERGO)
School of Plant Biology (Botany), Faculty of Natural & Agricultural Sciences,
The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley  WA  6009, Australia

Ph:  +61 8 9380 7914
Fax: +61 8 9380 7925
email: rsadler at agric.uwa.edu.au
ERGO's web site:<http://www.botany.uwa.edu.au/ergo>

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