[R] Compiling R under IBM-AIX using IBM native C-compiler

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Mon Dec 16 16:33:05 CET 2002

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Laurent Gautier wrote:

> Would anybody have any experience with that ?
> (that's the first time I use AIX)
> The configure step is incredibly slow... any hint ?

It seems to depend on exactly what AIX you have.  With 4.3 on RS/6000
hardware I can compile with either gcc or the native tools (though not
with a mixture of the two). The configure and build is very slow, and is
even worse with gcc.   I don't actually *use* R on AIX, but it does pass
make check.  There are also some R users on AIX at CMU, I believe.

OTOH, someone has reported problems with a more modern AIX on PowerPC


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