[R] TS-library

Hagen Schmöller Hagen.Schmoeller at iaew.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Jul 24 14:20:55 CEST 2002


I am trying to get a library for statistical computing. For example, I 
have to compute the ARIMA parameters of time series and I´d like to do 
that out of my C/C++ or Fortran source code.

The thing I already managed is how to get the standalone library 
"Rmath", but in this library the ts-modul is not included.

Thus, my question is: How can I get a library including the ts-Modul or 
how can I use the ts-modul out of my C/C++/Fortran source code??

Ingo + Hagen
Dipl.-Ing. Hagen K. Schmöller
Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft, RWTH Aachen
Schinkelstraße 6, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)241 - 80 - 96734
Fax : +49 (0)241 - 80 - 92197
Hagen.Schmoeller at iaew.rwth-aachen.de

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