[R] Contrasts and MC

Erin Hodgess hodgess at uhddx01.dt.uh.edu
Wed Jul 24 17:00:45 CEST 2002

Dear R People:

I have a few questions about multiple comparisons
and contrasts for ANOVA, please.

I've tried some things but with no success.

Suppose I have a completely randomized design,
and I want to have the contrast

\mu_1 - 0.5 \mu_2 - 0.5 \mu_2

How do I set that up, please?

I used the C command, and ran aov, but the results were identical to those
with no contrasts.

Also, is there a command for Dunne'ts multiple range test?

How about Scheffe's simultaneous intervals?

Thank you so much for your help, in advance!

Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
1 Main Street 
Houston, TX 77002
mailto: hodgess at uhddx01.dt.uh.edu
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