[R] R 1.5.0 packages for SuSE i386

Jürgen Henge-Ernst ml at henge-ernst.de
Mon Jun 3 18:34:44 CEST 2002

Hash: SHA1


during today I build R 1.5.0-packages on a SuSE 7.3 they normaly should also 
run on a 7.2 and 8.0. I also compiled the contribute packages

It The following packages failed, cause I believe I haven't installed all 
neccessary includes and libaries:

checking for package ipred ...failed!
checking for package cramer ...failed!
checking for package hdf5 ...failed!
checking for package pcurve ...failed!
checking for package Bhat ...failed!
checking for package SASmixed ...failed!
checking for package netCDF ...failed!
checking for package pear ...failed!
checking for package Rmpi ...failed!
checking for package tripack ...failed!
checking for package spdep ...failed!
checking for package vegan ...failed!
checking for package rsprng ...failed!
checking for package princurve ...failed!
checking for package gregmisc ...failed!
checking for package ellipse ...failed!
checking for package ROracle ...failed!
checking for package XML ...failed!
checking for package subselect ...failed!
checking for package locfit ...failed!
checking for package RQuantLib ...failed!
checking for package agce ...failed!
checking for package lasso2 ...failed!
checking for package Matrix ...failed!
checking for package rpvm ...failed!
checking for package tree ...failed!
checking for package RmSQL ...failed!
checking for package VR ...failed!
checking for package wle ...failed!
checking for package e1071 ...failed!
checking for package mda ...failed!
checking for package bindata ...failed!
checking for package nlme ...failed!

You can download them from:

If there is intresst I can try to fix the missing packages.

Greetings Jürgen
- -- 
 Juergen Henge-Ernst // Hauptstrasse 37 // 67591 Mölsheim // Germany
           email: juergen at henge-ernst.de        ICQ 56324358
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