[R] simple simulation problem

Yannick Wurm idh at poulet.org
Sun Mar 17 22:31:32 CET 2002


I'm desperate! I don't understand why my function won't work!
Its for a simple simulation exercise: robin hood fires an arrow 
at a target with 50cm radius, and his aim follows a centered 
normal distribution with a standard deviation of 40cm (on x and 
y axis, independently). Here he takes 10 shots and is awarded 
points if he hits close to the center.

For some reason, this function always returns a score of 870?!?!
I'm probably missing something really quite obvious but I just 
can't figure out what it is.

thanks for your help (you guys are great!),


x_rnorm(10, mean=0, sd=40)
y_rnorm(10, mean=0, sd=40)
d_sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
for(i in 1:10) {
	if (d[i] > 50) print("désolé\n")
	if (40 < d[i] < 50) score_sum(score,2)
	if (25 < d[i] < 40) score_sum(score,5)
	if (15 < d[i] < 25) score_sum(score,10)
	if ( 5 < d[i] < 15) score_sum(score,20)
	if ( 0 < d[i] <  5) score_sum(score,50)

      yannick.wurm at insa-lyon.fr
tel:    icq: 22044361

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