[R] Geometric Algebra in R?

Simon.Gatehouse@csiro.au Simon.Gatehouse at csiro.au
Thu May 16 00:19:11 CEST 2002

A quick search of did not reveal any hits on "geometric algebra".
Has anyone utilized R or coded any geometric algebra forms into R or know of
anyone who has looked into this area?
Any comments would be most welcome.

Simon Gatehouse                                  
CSIRO Exploration and Mining,
Newbigin Close off Julius Ave
North Ryde, NSW
Mail:      PO Box 136, North Ryde
           NSW 1670, Australia
Phone:     61 (2) 9490 8677
Fax:       61 (2) 9490 8921
Mobile:    61  0407 130 635 
E-mail:    simon.gatehouse at csiro.au
Web Page:  http://www.csiro.au/

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