[R] RE: Mixing text and graphics in PDF

A.J. Rossini rossini at blindglobe.net
Thu Nov 21 22:45:53 CET 2002

>>>>> "kevin" == Kevin Wright <Wright> writes:

    kevin> I guess I should have emphasize the word "easy" in the original post.  I am
    kevin> aware of Sweave and have used it to produce terrific quality output, but it
    kevin> takes quite a bit of effort to get that quality (setting up tex document,
    kevin> erasing previous graphics, running the script, tex'ing the output, etc).

    kevin> HTML code with separate graphic images seems even more work.

    kevin> I was hoping for a non-presentation quality way to dump both graphics and
    kevin> text straight from R into pdf file using the pdf() device.  Something akin
    kevin> to the way a Mathematica or Maple session looks like.

actually, the ESS noweb mode facilitates a great deal of this
production.  Combine it with an appropriate makefile, and document
construction (and verification of the results) is pretty trivial.

I recognize that we need to make tools like xtable cleaner to use (not
easier, just cleaner IMHO), and ESS needs to provide template
insertion for figures (and xtable runs).  That is coming.

The figures issue might be more critical -- I should probably figure
out the right incantation for the standard plot methods which produce
multiple figures...

    kevin> The idea of a Mathematica-style transcript session is quite appealing to me
    kevin> the more I think about it, but might be too-much work for the R community to
    kevin> create.  Even the commercial software S-Plus lacks such reporting
    kevin> capabilities.  Think--"summary" methods could produce text AND graphics--an
    kevin> intriguing idea.

Again, it's a fairly small step for the ESS interface; mostly template
construction and the issues raised above.  We are thinking about it!


A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics		rossini at u.washington.edu	
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini at scharp.org
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