[R] Justifying only the X-label

Tony Vargas tvargas at cisco.com
Mon Apr 7 21:01:59 CEST 2003

In the attached plot, how do I move just the X-label(Time) to the right.
Basically, I just want to do a par ( adj = 1) on just the X-label, not
all my labels.  Any ideas how to accomplish this?



Tony Vargas
Cisco Systems
Engineering Computing Services
(408) 525-4113
tvargas at cisco.com
-------------- next part --------------
 my.yugo.Apr.2003.other.info <- read.table(file="/auto/solperf/tgu/ActiveParsedFiles/yugo/Apr.2003/other.info", sep="=", header=TRUE)
 bitmap("foo8.bmp",type = "png256",  height = 4, width = 4,)
 par( omi = c(.5,.1,0,0))
 plot(total.views, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Total number of views", main = "yugo's Total number of views Apr.2003", type="l", col="red", xaxt = "n", cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 1.25, cex.lab = 1.25) 
 temp <- seq(1, length(Time), by = 144)
 axis(1, at = temp, labels = as.character(Time[temp]), las = 3, cex.axis = 1.5)

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