[R] [OFF] Nested or not nested, this is the question.

Peter Dalgaard BSA p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Wed Apr 9 22:03:20 CEST 2003

"Ronaldo Reis Jr." <chrysopa at insecta.ufv.br> writes:

> I have 12 plots in 4 sizes in 3 replicates (4*3 = 12)
> In each plot I put 2 species (A and B) to reproduce.
> After a period I make samples in each board and count the number of 
> individuals total (tot) and individuals A and B (nsp). Others individuals 
> excepts A and B are in total of individuals.
> This make a dataset with the 24 lines and not 12. Its smell pseudoreplication 
> in a nested design, OK?
> I need to know:
> the species are different in proportion?
> the size affect the species's proportion?
> existe interaction between size and species?
> I make the analysis.
> > m.lme <- lme(nsp/tot~size*specie,random=~1|size/specie)
> > anova(m.lme)
>             numDF denDF  F-value p-value
> (Intercept)     1    16 374.7121  <.0001
> size            1     2  37.8683  0.0254
> specie          1     2  18.2036  0.0508
> size:specie     1     2   9.3203  0.0926
> > 
> This is the correct mean to make this analysis?
> or
> > m.lme <- lme(nsp/tot~size*specie,random=~1|plot/specie)
> > anova(m.lme)
>             numDF denDF  F-value p-value
> (Intercept)     1    10 579.8853  <.0001
> size            1    10  58.6030  <.0001
> specie          1    10  59.5235  <.0001
> size:specie     1    10  30.4760   3e-04
> > 
> or neither?

Neither. First of all, you have numDF = 1 for things that have more
than two levels, so you forgot to make them factors.


Then you seem to be needing something that describes the replication,
and you're not actually telling us, but if I guess that plots 1-4 is
the 1st replication and 5-8 and 9-12 are the others, then this should

reis$repl <- factor((as.numeric(reis$plot)-1)%/%4+1)
table(reis$plot,reis$repl) # just to check

now you can do 


and have

            numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)     1     8 207.18935  <.0001
size            3     6  94.58027  <.0001
specie          1     8  57.14293   1e-04
size:specie     3     8  10.28573   4e-03

or, as I'd prefer in a balanced study:


Error: repl
          Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals  2 0.027708 0.013854

Error: plot
          Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
size       3 0.305417 0.101806   94.58 1.927e-05 ***
Residuals  6 0.006458 0.001076
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Error: Within
            Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
specie       1 0.041667 0.041667  57.143 6.551e-05 ***
specie:size  3 0.022500 0.007500  10.286   0.00404 **
Residuals    8 0.005833 0.000729
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

(Error(repl/plot) actually works too because repl:plot is the same as plot)

This gets a little confusin because "repl" is a coarsening of "plot".
It may be easier with a within-repl numbering, which you can get by
noting that plot is equivalent to repl:size


   O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk)             FAX: (+45) 35327907

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