[R] Binary file reading problem

Jonathan Williams jonathan.williams at pharmacology.oxford.ac.uk
Fri Aug 8 19:13:51 CEST 2003

I am trying to read data from a binary file. 
The file has a header of mixed data modes:-

Bytes		Length	Mode
1-4			4	Integer
5-6			2	integer
7-8			2	integer
15-18			4	integer
19-20			2	integer
29-32			4	integer
33-34			2	integer
35			1	character
36			1	character
37			1	character
38			1	character
39-42			4	integer
43-44			2	integer

I cannot find a way to set a file pointer,
so that I can set readBin to read each datum

I'd be very grateful for any help with this.

Jonathan Williams

Jonathan Williams
Radcliffe Infirmary
Woodstock Road
Tel +1865 (2)24356

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