[R] winMenuAdd misbehaving?

Simon.Gatehouse@csiro.au Simon.Gatehouse at csiro.au
Tue Jun 3 02:59:56 CEST 2003

Microsoft Windows R users,

I am operating Windows 2000 (build2195) with R1.7.  It may be pertinent that
I am using a dual head screen with the initial RGui filing the entire area
of both screens.

When starting R I use the .First() function to add menu items to the RGui
interface using winMenuAdd() and winMenuAddItem().  The menus do not display
until the RGui window is physically manipulated in some way. In R1.6.2 the
menus were immediately available without the need to manipulate the window.
In all other ways the menus function as previously.

1) does anyone else get the same behaviour?

2) If this is intended for some reason, and not a bug, then is there a way
of invoking the update of the menu bar from within .First() or perhaps using
command line arguement?  

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious. Any suggestions are most welcome.

Simon Gatehouse

CSIRO Exploration and Mining,
Newbigin Close off Julius Ave
North Ryde, NSW
Mail:      PO Box 136, North Ryde
           NSW 1670, Australia
Phone:     61 (2) 9490 8677
Fax:       61 (2) 9490 8921
Mobile:    61  0407 130 635 
E-mail:    simon.gatehouse at csiro.au
Web Page:  http://www.csiro.au/

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