[R] GeneSOM viewer

Jonck van der Kogel jonck at vanderkogel.net
Thu Jun 26 14:21:05 CEST 2003

Hi all,
Recently I have written a small application, SOMviewer, that is able to 
graphically display a self organizing map produced with the som 
algorithm found in the GeneSOM package, clustered by any hierarchical 
clustering method that produces a merge matrix (agnes, diana, hclust 
etc..). This application makes it very easy to analyse a 
self-organizing map.
Anyone that would like a copy of SOMviewer can drop me a line, I am 
making it available as freeware for the R community. It runs under 
windows (XP, ME, 2000 etc...) and Mac OS X.
Cheers, Jonck

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