[R] Is it a bug in list() behavior?

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Mon Mar 24 16:54:43 CET 2003

wolski wrote:
> Hello!
> let:
> test<-1:3
> list(test)
> names(test)<-c("X11","X12","Y23")
> 3
> I had assumed that the names in a list are like a keys in a hash.
> Therefore i thought that no value should be returned.
> The behavior of:
> <NA> 
>   NA 
> is as i expected.
> Should it be as it is? How is the definition of [[]] and []?

No! See "An Introduction to R", Section 6.1:
"The names of components may be abbreviated down to the minimum number 
of letters needed to identify them uniquely. Thus Lst$coefficients may 
be minimally specified as Lst$coe and Lst$covariance as Lst$cov."

Uwe Ligges

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