[R] Partial least squares.

Liaw, Andy andy_liaw at merck.com
Sat Nov 1 02:11:58 CET 2003

The package `pls.pcr' has NIPALS and SIMPLS.  There's also gpls in
BioConductor 1.3.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carlos J. Gil Bellosta 
> [mailto:sigma at consultoresestadisticos.com] 
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 8:02 PM
> To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: [R] Partial least squares.
> Dear R-helpers,
> I am looking, quite unsuccesfully, for a number of functions/packages.
> Firstly, I am interested in a package for partial least 
> squares. I have 
> found that there seemed to exist a package called pls, but 
> which seems 
> not to run any more with modern versions of R. I have not 
> been able to 
> find certain "chemometrics package" I found some people 
> discussing about 
> in this list some time ago and that, it seems, included these kind of 
> functions.
> Secondly, I have not been able to find a function "equivalent" to the 
> SAS procedure STEPDISC which performs a step process (only 
> available for 
> lm and glm on R) on linear discriminant analysis (lda on R).
> Does anybody know of a top-the-shelf answer to these questions?
> Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
> Sigma Consultores Estadísticos http://www.consultoresestadisticos.com
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