[R] creating a "report" table from a set of lists

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Thu Nov 13 21:59:59 CET 2003

Does the following do what you want: 

 > list1 <- list(a=1, b=1:2)
 > list2 <- list(c=1:3, d=1:4)
 > c(list1, list2)
[1] 1

[1] 1 2

[1] 1 2 3

[1] 1 2 3 4

spencer graves

Jeff D. Hamann wrote:

>I've been trying to figure out how to accomplish the following...
>I've got a list (returned from a function) and I would like to "cbind()" the
>lists together to create a "cross tab" report or simply bind them together
>the function returns a list that looks like the following:
>[1] "BM"
>[1] 3
>[1] 54.05435
>[1] 20
>[1] 26
>[1] 5.339182
>so there are different variable types in the list (meaning I can't use
>cbind?) to create a table with more than one column for stringing together
>multiple species. I tried to use rbind and got similar results. Tried
>unlist, but the values get cast into strings (which would be alright be
>simply reporting values, but I would like to maintain the types (for using
>digits=xxx arguments). I've used unlist and rbind, then turn the matrix to
>               BM                  DF
>species        "BM"                "DF"
>vbar.nobs      "3"                 "33"
>vbar.pctse     "8.77458627230236"  "2.67841483098916"
>count.nobs     "20"                "20"
>count.se       "0.254175654140783" "0.630267278307595"
>...blah, blah, blah....
>count.pctse    "39.1039467908896"  "8.34791097096152"
>combined.pctse "40.0763274125113"  "8.76707041068808"
>basal.area     "26"                "302"
>expf           "5.33918184530697"  "48.4101260565985"
>which is the desired result, but without the quotes
>>print.matrix( t(rpt), quote=F )
>               BM                DF
>species        BM                DF
>vbar.nobs      3                 33
>vbar.sum       54.0543454534738  584.712753385096
>count.nobs     20                20
>count.sum      13                151
>...blah, blah, blah....
>basal.area     26                302
>expf           5.33918184530697  48.4101260565985
>volume         100               100
>but would still like to be able to control the number of digits that are
>printed for the doubles....
>Am I even close, or is there more engineering I need to do here?
>Jeff D. Hamann
>Forest Informatics, Inc.
>PO Box 1421
>Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
>(office) 541-754-1428
>(cell) 541-740-5988
>jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
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