[R] multinom question

Brad Mcneney mcneney at cs.sfu.ca
Wed Nov 19 21:05:35 CET 2003

I'd like to fit a multinomial log-linear model for 4 categories of the

log[(P(D=i | X)/P(D=0 | X)] = alpha_i + X beta_i ;  i=1,2,3

but with beta_1 constrained to zero. Is there a way to impose such a
constraint in the multinom function?

Brad McNeney                               email: mcneney at stat.sfu.ca
Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Sci.     web: www.stat.sfu.ca/~mcneney/
Simon Fraser University                    phone: 604.291.4815
8888 University Drive                      fax: 604.291.4368
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada V5A 1S6

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