[R] .First.lib doesn't appear to be running after calling library()

Crispin Miller CMiller at PICR.man.ac.uk
Tue Oct 7 15:59:40 CEST 2003

Hi - so I've dusted off the C bits of my brain and gotten a library written for my package...
It passes R CMD check ok, and I've put a file called '.First.lib.R' in the pacakge's 'R'  subdirectory. Its permissions are 644.

It says:

.First.lib <- function(lib,pkg) {

I build and INSTALL the package, start R and then call library(foo).
I deduce that my '.First.lib' isn't running because the affy library doesn't get loaded - and neither does my dynamic library (which complies ok and results in 'foo.so' being put in the 'src/' directory of the package)...

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


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