[R] Integration between R & latex

Christoph Bier christoph.bier at web.de
Sun Oct 12 12:57:07 CEST 2003

Prof Brian Ripley schrieb:
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, Christoph Bier wrote:


>> Ok, I'll keep that in mind. But may I ask why you suggest
>> leaving it out?
> That's the wrong question: you need to say why you intend
> to include it. Givne that you don't know the difference
> between true and TRUE, I guess you are a naive R user and
> this would be a needless complication. (Maybe 0.1% of R
> users make use it.)

Yes, I'm a quite new R user and yet I don't
know the difference between true and TRUE.
But I read on the manuals.


Christoph Bier, Dipl.Oecotroph., Email: bier at wiz.uni-kassel.de
Universitaet Kassel, FG Oekologische Lebensmittelqualitaet und
Ernaehrungskultur \\ Postfach 12 52 \\ 37202 Witzenhausen
Tel.: +49 (0) 55 42 / 98 -17 21, Fax: -17 13

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