[R] how to seperate R's input and output screen?

John Fox jfox at mcmaster.ca
Mon Oct 13 15:40:45 CEST 2003

Dear Yong Wang,

At 01:35 PM 10/11/2003 -0500, Yong Wang wrote:
>Dear all
>can anybady tell me how to seperate R's input and output screen?I mean
>just like SAS or some others, the commands does not mixed with results.
>thank you

You can create a split screen of this sort with the Emacs or Xemacs editor 
along with the ESS package (although the commands will appear interspersed 
with the output as well as in an editor window -- which seems desirable). 
See <http://www.analytics.washington.edu/Zope/wikis/ess/> for information 
on ESS. I have some information for Windows users at 
You could also use an independent editor for commands, such as WinEdt under 
Windows (see the section on editing support in 

I hope that this helps,
John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
email: jfox at mcmaster.ca
phone: 905-525-9140x23604
web: www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox

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