[R] Too long to open a socket connection

Paulo Jabardo pjabardo at ipt.br
Thu Oct 16 19:31:44 CEST 2003

Hello Guys!

I've been doing data aquisition of a pressure measurement system that
communicates using TCP/IP protocol. R's socket connection has been a
blessing for aquiring this data. I've been doing this data aquisition on
Linux (where I do most of the development) and Windows. It works fine on
both systems but there is only a slight problem (not really a problem,
something weird). When I'm running windows, it takes too long to open
the connection:

con <- socketConnection(host="", port=23,
                         blocking=TRUE, open="+ab")

It takes more than 1 minute to execute this code under Windows (and I've
tested several different machines) even though when I use telnet I can
establish the connection immediately. Under Linux, this code executes
very fast.

As I said, after openning the connection the program executes just fine
so this is not more than an annoyance.
By the way in version 1.6.2, the first time I attempted to open the
connection, there was always an error problem (on the next attempts I
just had the speed issue) that was solved in versions 1.7.0, 1.7.1 and
1.8.0 but the speed issue continues the same.

I hope we can fix this problem.
Thanks guys

Paulo Jabardo
IPT - Institute for Technological Research
Sao Paulo - BRAZIL

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