[R] possible win.metafile( ) problem?

Paul, David A paulda at BATTELLE.ORG
Fri Oct 24 23:14:27 CEST 2003

R1.8.0, Win2k:

When I run the code

lset( list( background = list(col = "white")))
	y ~ TIME , data = foo.frame,
	scales = list(alternating = FALSE),
	ylim = c(.75,y.max),
	panel = function(x, y, panel.number, ... )
	panel.superpose(x = foo.frame$TIME[foo.frame$group == 1],
		y = foo.frame$y[foo.frame$group == 1],
		subscripts = TRUE, 
		groups = foo.frame$subject.id[foo.frame$group == 1],
		type = 'b', 
		col = "black", 
		lwd = 4, 
		cex = 1.5)
	panel.superpose(x = foo.frame$TIME[foo.frame$group == 0],
		y = foo.frame$y[foo.frame$group == 0],
		subscripts = TRUE, 
		groups = foo.frame$subject.id[foo.frame$group == 0],
		type = 'l', 
		col = gray(.6))
	panel.loess(x = foo.frame$TIME, 
		y = foo.frame$y, col = gray(.2), 
		lwd = 3, 
		lty = 5, 
		span = 1/3)

I get the desired graph on the screen.  Basically,
I am trying to display the time course of a set of test
subjects, where each of two subsets is displayed in a
different color, and a loess smoother is added to the plot
for reference.

When I add 

	file = "//.../foo_status.ps", 
	color = TRUE)

to the beginning of this little script, upon trying to open the
created file with Ghostview/Ghostscript, I get an error dialog 
box containing the error message in the attached text file and 
nothing is displayed.

If I change to

	file = "//.../foo_status.wmf", 
	width = 8.5, height = 6.25)

I am able to view the created file, but there are unwanted
vertical lines drawn at max(foo.frame$TIME).  Moreover, MSWord
has a hard time rendering this graph in a stable way, as it
is constantly redrawing it and freezing my screen.  The file
is only 35K, so this should not happen.  I tried the same
scripting options in R1.7.1 with the same results, which leads
me to believe that my xyplot(..) code could be in error.
OTOH, this is a fairly simple adaptation of some earlier
working code and the within-RGui graph appears to be fine and
doesn't have the unwanted vertical lines.  When I right-click
on this graph and try to paste it directly into MSWord, I
get the same "screen freeze" issues, and the vertical lines
appear in the window.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-david paul

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