[R] Optimization of objective function with generic number of arguments (R-Extension with C code)

Paolo Tenconi tencpa at yahoo.it
Fri Oct 31 11:10:35 CET 2003

Hi All! I'm a new subscriber to this mailing list. I'm writing an R 
extension with C linked code having a minimization function letting me pass 
it an objective function with a GENERIC number of arguments and letting me 
to optimize over a specific one among them if there are many.

###############  IPOTETICAL MAIN  ###############

#Objective func with only one parameter

#Objective func with two arguments

#Minimize the first function

#Minimize the second function over the first argument

#Minimize the second function over the second argument

##############   EXCERPT OF MY CODE   ################

#My R minimization function
MyOptim <-function(par, fn, ...)
    fn1 <-function(par) fn(par,...)
    res <-.External(MyOptimC(par, fn1,new.env()))

#My C function
__declspec (dllexport) SEXP MyOptimC(SEXP args)
   args = CDR(args); SEXP par = CAR(args);
    args = CDR(args); SEXP fn = CAR(args);
    rho  = CDR(args); SEXP rho = CAR(args);

    SEXP fminfn = lang2(fn, R_NilValue));


I suceedeed only for objective functions with a specific number of 
arguments, while for the problem at hand I tried to replicate the code in 
optim.c and related files but without any result. Is there someone on the 
list who can me give me some insight, piece of source code or material 
explaining how to do this?

Many thanks.

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