[R] Customised legend in lattice

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan at stat.wisc.edu
Thu Sep 11 23:12:15 CEST 2003

On Wednesday 10 September 2003 19:23, Alexander.Herr at csiro.au wrote:

> ######------- Not working part------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
> update(plot4, key = list(corner=c(0,1), x=0.65, y=0.35,
>                           lines=list(c(1:2),col="black",lwd=1,lty=c(1:2)),
>                             text=list(c("category 1","category 2")),
>                           points=list(c(1:5),col=colo[1:5],pch=19),
>                             text=list(leg.txt),
>                      )
>        )

This does work as it was intended to, though the documentation is not very 
clear. However, what you were trying to do seems very reasonable, so I've 
modified (though not thoroughly tested yet) the appropriate function to allow 
a new (logical) component 'rep' in the key list. After you source() the 
attached file, something like

leg.txt<-c("Rating 1","Rating 2","Rating 3","Rating 4","Rating 5")

xyplot(1 ~ 1,
       key =
            x=0.65, y=0.35,
            text=list(c("category 1","category 2")),
            lines=list(col="black", lwd = 1, lty=c(1:2)),

should continue to give the current behaviour, but

xyplot(1 ~ 1,
       key =
            x=0.65, y=0.35,
            rep = FALSE,
            text=list(c("category 1","category 2")),
            lines=list(col="black", lwd = 1, lty=c(1:2)),

should give you what you want.


-------------- next part --------------

draw.key <- function(key, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL)
    if (!is.list(key)) stop("key must be a list")
    max.length <- 0
    ## maximum of the `row-lengths' of the above
    ## components. There is some scope for confusion
    ## here, e.g., if col is specified in key as a
    ## length 6 vector, and then lines=list(lty=1:3),
    ## what should be the length of that lines column ?
    ## If 3, what happens if lines=list() ?
    ## (Strangely enough, S+ accepts lines=list()
    ## if col (etc) is NOT specified outside, but not
    ## if it is)
    process.key <-
        function(between = 2,
                 align = TRUE,
                 title = NULL,
                 rep = TRUE,
                 background = trellis.par.get("background")$col,
                 border = FALSE,
                 transparent = FALSE, 
                 columns = 1,
                 divide = 3,
                 between.columns = 3,
                 cex = 1,
                 cex.title = 1.5 * max(cex),
                 col = "black", 
                 lty = 1,
                 lwd = 1,
                 font = 1, 
                 pch = 8,
                 adj = 0,
                 type = "l", 
                 size = 5, 
                 angle = 0, 
                 density = -1,
            list(between = between,
                 align = align,
                 title = title,
                 rep = rep,
                 background = background,
                 border = border,
                 transparent = transparent, 
                 columns = columns,
                 divide = divide,
                 between.columns = between.columns,
                 cex = cex,
                 cex.title = cex.title,
                 col = col,
                 lty = lty,
                 lwd = lwd,
                 font = font, 
                 pch = pch,
                 adj = adj,
                 type = type, 
                 size = size, 
                 angle = angle, 
                 density = density,

    default.fontsize <- trellis.par.get("fontsize")$default

    key <- do.call("process.key", key)

    key.length <- length(key)
    key.names <- names(key)    # Need to update
    if (is.logical(key$border)) 
        key$border <-
            if (key$border) "black"
            else "transparent"

    components <- list()

    for(i in 1:key.length) {

        curname <- pmatch(key.names[i], c("text", "rectangles", "lines", "points"))

        if (is.na(curname)) {
            ;## do nothing
        else if (curname == 1) { # "text"
            if (!(is.characterOrExpression(key[[i]][[1]])))
                stop("first component of text has to be vector of labels")
            pars <- list(labels = key[[i]][[1]],
                         col = key$col,
                         adj = key$adj,
                         cex = key$cex,
                         font = key$font)
            key[[i]][[1]] <- NULL
            pars[names(key[[i]])] <- key[[i]]

            tmplen <- length(pars$labels)
            for (j in 1:length(pars))
                if (is.character(pars))
                    pars[[j]] <- rep(pars[[j]], length = tmplen)

            max.length <- max(max.length, tmplen)
            components[[length(components)+1]] <-
                list(type = "text", pars = pars, length = tmplen)

        else if (curname == 2) { # "rectangles"

            pars <- list(col = key$col,
                         size = key$size,
                         angle = key$angle,
                         density = key$density)
            pars[names(key[[i]])] <- key[[i]]

            tmplen <- max(unlist(lapply(pars,length)))
            max.length <- max(max.length, tmplen)
            components[[length(components)+1]] <-
                list(type = "rectangles", pars = pars, length = tmplen)
        else if (curname == 3) { # "lines"

            pars <- list(col = key$col,
                         size = key$size,
                         lty = key$lty,
                         cex = key$cex,
                         lwd = key$lwd,
                         type = key$type)

            pars[names(key[[i]])] <- key[[i]]

            tmplen <- max(unlist(lapply(pars,length)))
            max.length <- max(max.length, tmplen)
            components[[length(components)+1]] <-
                list(type = "lines", pars = pars, length = tmplen)
        else if (curname == 4) { # "points"

            pars <- list(col = key$col,
                         cex = key$cex,
                         pch = key$pch)
            pars[names(key[[i]])] <- key[[i]]

            tmplen <- max(unlist(lapply(pars,length)))
            max.length <- max(max.length, tmplen)
            components[[length(components)+1]] <-
                list(type = "points", pars = pars, length = tmplen)


    number.of.components <- length(components)
    ## number of components named one of "text",
    ## "lines", "rectangles" or "points"
    if (number.of.components == 0)
        stop("Invalid key, need at least one component named lines, text, rect or points")

    ## The next part makes sure all components have same length,
    ## except text, which should be as long as the number of labels

    ## Update (9/11/2003): but that doesn't always make sense --- Re:
    ## r-help message from Alexander.Herr at csiro.au (though it seems
    ## that's S+ behaviour on Linux at least). Each component should
    ## be allowed to have its own length (that's what the lattice docs
    ## suggest too, don't know why). Anyway, I'm adding a rep = TRUE
    ## argument to the key list, which controls whether each column
    ## will be repeated as necessary to have the same length.

    for (i in 1:number.of.components)
        if (components[[i]]$type != "text") {
            components[[i]]$pars <-
                lapply(components[[i]]$pars, rep,
                       length = if (key$rep) max.length
                       else components[[i]]$length)
            if (key$rep) components[[i]]$length <- max.length
            ## NB: rep doesn't work with expressions of length > 1
            components[[i]]$pars <-
                  lapply(components[[i]]$pars[-1], rep,
                         length = components[[i]]$length))

    column.blocks <- key$columns
    rows.per.block <- ceiling(max.length/column.blocks)

    if (column.blocks > max.length) warning("not enough rows for columns")
    key$between <- rep(key$between, length = number.of.components)

    if (key$align) {

        ## Setting up the layout

	## The problem of allocating space for text (character strings
	## or expressions) is dealt with as follows: 

	## Each row and column will take exactly as much space as
	## necessary. As steps in the construction, a matrix
	## textMatrix (of same dimensions as the layout) will contain
	## either 0, meaning that entry is not text, or n > 0, meaning
	## that entry has the text given by textList[[n]], where
	## textList is a list consisting of character strings or
	## expressions.

        n.row <- rows.per.block + 1
        n.col <- column.blocks * (1 + 3 * number.of.components) - 1

	textMatrix <- matrix(0, n.row, n.col)
	textList <- list()
	textCex <- numeric(0)

        heights.x <- rep(1, n.row)
        heights.units <- rep("lines", n.row)
        heights.data <- as.list(1:n.row)

        if (key$title != "" && is.characterOrExpression(key$title)) {
            heights.x[1] <- 1.2 * key$cex.title
            heights.units[1] <- "strheight"
            heights.data[[1]] <- key$title
        else heights.x[1] <- 0

        widths.x <- rep(key$between.column, n.col)
        widths.units <- rep("strwidth", n.col)
        widths.data <- as.list(rep("o", n.col))

        for (i in 1:column.blocks) {
            widths.x[(1:number.of.components-1)*3+1 +
                     (i-1)*3*number.of.components + i-1] <-
            widths.x[(1:number.of.components-1)*3+1 +
                     (i-1)*3*number.of.components + i+1] <-
	index <- 1

        for (i in 1:number.of.components) {

            cur <- components[[i]]

            id <- (1:column.blocks - 1) *
                (number.of.components * 3 + 1) + i * 3 - 1

            if (cur$type == "text") {

                for (j in 1:cur$length) {

                    colblck <- ceiling(j / rows.per.block)

                    xx <- (colblck - 1) *
                        (number.of.components * 3 + 1) + i * 3 - 1

                    yy <- j %% rows.per.block + 1
                    if (yy == 1) yy <- rows.per.block + 1

		    textMatrix[yy, xx] <- index
		    textList <- c(textList, list(cur$pars$labels[j]) )
		    textCex <- c(textCex, cur$pars$cex[j])
  		    index <- index + 1


            } ## FIXME: do the same as above for those below
            else if (cur$type == "rectangles") {
                widths.x[id] <- max(cur$pars$size)
            else if (cur$type == "lines") {
                widths.x[id] <- max(cur$pars$size)
            else if (cur$type == "points") {
                widths.x[id] <- max(cur$pars$cex)

        ## Need to adjust the heights and widths 
        ## adjusting heights
        heights.insertlist.position <- 0
        heights.insertlist.unit <- unit(1, "null")

        for (i in 1:n.row) {
            textLocations <- textMatrix[i,]
            textLocations <- textLocations[textLocations>0]
            if (any(textLocations)) {

                strbar <- textList[textLocations]
                heights.insertlist.position <- c(heights.insertlist.position, i)
                heights.insertlist.unit <-
                           unit(.2, "lines") + max(unit(textCex[textLocations], "strheight", strbar)))

        layout.heights <- unit(heights.x, heights.units, data=heights.data)
        if (length(heights.insertlist.position)>1)
            for (indx in 2:length(heights.insertlist.position))
                layout.heights <-
                    rearrangeUnit(layout.heights, heights.insertlist.position[indx],

        ## adjusting widths
        widths.insertlist.position <- 0
        widths.insertlist.unit <- unit(1, "null")

        for (i in 1:n.col) {
            textLocations <- textMatrix[,i]
            textLocations <- textLocations[textLocations>0]
            if (any(textLocations)) {

                strbar <- textList[textLocations]
                widths.insertlist.position <- c(widths.insertlist.position, i)
                widths.insertlist.unit <-
                           max(unit(textCex[textLocations], "strwidth", strbar)))

        layout.widths <- unit(widths.x, widths.units, data=widths.data)
        if (length(widths.insertlist.position)>1)
            for (indx in 2:length(widths.insertlist.position))
                layout.widths <-
                    rearrangeUnit(layout.widths, widths.insertlist.position[indx],

        key.layout <- grid.layout(nrow = n.row, ncol = n.col,
                                  widths = layout.widths,
                                  heights = layout.heights,
                                  respect = FALSE)

        ## OK, layout set up, now to draw the key - no

        key.gf <- grid.frame(layout = key.layout, vp = vp,
                             gp = gpar(fontsize = default.fontsize),
                             draw = FALSE)

        if (!key$transparent) {
                       grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill = key$background, col = key$border),
                                 draw = FALSE),
                       draw = FALSE, row = NULL, col = NULL)
                       grid.rect(gp=gpar(col=key$border), draw = FALSE),
                       draw = FALSE, row = NULL, col = NULL)

        ## Title
        if (!is.null(key$title))
                       grid.text(label = key$title, draw = FALSE,
                                 gp = gpar(fontsize = default.fontsize * key$cex.title)),
                       row=1, col = NULL, draw = FALSE)

        for (i in 1:number.of.components) {

            cur <- components[[i]]

            for (j in 1:cur$length) {

                colblck <- ceiling(j / rows.per.block)

                xx <- (colblck - 1) *
                    (number.of.components*3 + 1) + i*3 - 1

                yy <- j %% rows.per.block + 1
                if (yy == 1) yy <- rows.per.block + 1

                if (cur$type == "text") {
                               grid.text(x = cur$pars$adj[j],
                                         just = c(
                                         if (cur$pars$adj[j] == 1) "right"
                                         else if (cur$pars$adj[j] == 0) "left"
                                         else "center",
                                         label = cur$pars$labels[j],
                                         gp = gpar(col = cur$pars$col[j],
                                         font = cur$pars$font[j],
                                         fontsize = default.fontsize * cur$pars$cex[j]),
                                         draw = FALSE),
                               row = yy, col = xx, draw = FALSE)
                else if (cur$type == "rectangles") {
                              grid.rect(width = cur$pars$size[j]/max(cur$pars$size),
                                        ## centred, unlike Trellis, due to aesthetic reasons !
                                        gp = gpar(fill = cur$pars$col[j]), 
                                        draw = FALSE),
                              row = yy, col = xx, draw = FALSE)
                    ## Need to make changes to support angle/density
                else if (cur$type == "lines") {
                    if (cur$pars$type[j] == "l") {
                                  grid.lines(x = c(0,1) * cur$pars$size[j]/max(cur$pars$size),
                                             ## ^^ this should be centered as well, but since the
                                             ## chances that someone would actually use this feature
                                             ## are astronomical, I'm leaving that for later.
                                             y = c(.5, .5),
                                             gp = gpar(col = cur$pars$col[j],
                                             lty = cur$pars$lty[j],
                                             lwd = cur$pars$lwd[j]),
                                             draw = FALSE),
                                  row = yy, col = xx, draw = FALSE)
                    else if (cur$pars$type[j] == "p") {
                                   grid.points(x=.5, y=.5, 
                                               gp = gpar(col = cur$pars$col[j]),
                                               size = unit(cur$pars$cex[j] * 2.5, "mm"),
                                               pch = cur$pars$pch[j],
                                               draw = FALSE),
                                   row = yy, col = xx, draw = FALSE)
                    else { # if (cur$pars$type[j] == "b" or "o") -- not differentiating
                                  grid.lines(x = c(0,1) * cur$pars$size[j]/max(cur$pars$size),
                                             ## ^^ this should be centered as well, but since the
                                             ## chances that someone would actually use this feature
                                             ## are astronomical, I'm leaving that for later.
                                             y = c(.5, .5),
                                             gp = gpar(col = cur$pars$col[j],
                                             lty = cur$pars$lty[j],
                                             lwd = cur$pars$lwd[j]),
                                             draw = FALSE),
                                  row = yy, col = xx, draw = FALSE)

                                   grid.points(x = (1:key$divide-1)/(key$divide-1),
                                               y = rep(.5, key$divide),
                                               gp = gpar(col = cur$pars$col[j]),
                                               size = unit(cur$pars$cex[j] * 2.5, "mm"),
                                               pch = cur$pars$pch[j],
                                               draw = FALSE),
                                   row = yy, col = xx, draw = FALSE)
                else if (cur$type == "points") {
                    if (is.character(cur$pars$pch[j]))
                                  grid.text(lab = cur$pars$pch[j], x=.5, y=.5, 
                                            gp = gpar(col = cur$pars$col[j],
                                            fontsize = cur$pars$cex[j] * 10),
                                            draw = FALSE),
                                  row = yy, col = xx, draw = FALSE)
                    else {
                                  grid.points(x=.5, y=.5, 
                                              gp = gpar(col = cur$pars$col[j]),
                                              size = unit(cur$pars$cex[j] * 2.5, "mm"),
                                              pch = cur$pars$pch[j],
                                              draw = FALSE),
                                  row = yy, col = xx, draw = FALSE)



    else stop("sorry, align=F not supported (yet ?)")

    if (draw)


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