[R] plot & easy question

mike.campana@freesurf.ch mike.campana at freesurf.ch
Sat Apr 3 12:31:37 CEST 2004

Dear all

I guess I have a quite simple question
I do not have any problem to plot the data (daily averages)in different 
plots as monthly time series (for example with a for -loop over the 
different months). My problem begin when I want to represent always as a 
time serie 1999 data (from june) and 2000 data (until june) in a single 
plot(always as daily averages). Actually I would like to see the winter 
data in the middle of the plot.

Do you have an advice? Thank you for your answer

> data

	Datum Bod Loc  Mag Chi  Lug  Mil  Com  day month year Smog
1  19990601  NA  NA 27.6  33 30.8 74.1 53.3      1    6 1999    1
2  19990602  NA  NA 21.8  49 48.9 81.9 70.2      2    6 1999    1
3  19990603  NA  NA 38.9  31 26.9 53.3 49.4      3    6 1999    1
4  19990604  NA  NA 16.8  11 11.0 23.4 19.5      4    6 1999    1
5  19990605  NA  NA  9.0  18 13.6 36.4 32.5      5    6 1999    1
6  19990606  NA  NA 12.9  37 23.2 33.8 39.0      6    6 1999    1
579 20000530  NA  16  12.9  16  11.3  48.1  15.6     30   12 2000   2
580 20000531  NA  18  21.0  22  12.1  66.3  39.0     31   12 2000   2 


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