[R] Non-Linear Regression (Cobb-Douglas and C.E.S)

James Wettenhall wettenhall at wehi.edu.au
Mon Apr 19 05:14:17 CEST 2004

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004, Mohammad Ehsanul Karim wrote:
> concern (In this case there is no way to linearize it), the Cobb-Douglas 
> being just a 'Toy problem' to see how non-linear process works. And i'm 
> sorry that i cannot guess some approximate parameter values for that CES 
> using some "typical" Y,L,K data : that why it is a problem (doing a grid 
> search over infinite parameter space is indeed time consuming).


OK, so you really do want to try nonlinear regression.  That's 
fine as long as you know that there are a lot more things that 
can go wrong than with linear regression.  Have you read the 
references at the end of the help for nls?  (I have to admit I 
haven't yet.)

Do you know under what conditions your cost function will be 
convex with respect to the parameters you are estimating?  The 
sum of convex functions is convex.  So if every one of your 
squared-error terms is convex then the sum will be.

Let's say you are minimizing this cost function: 
  Sum_i (Y_i - f(delta,beta,phi)_i)^2

where f()_i is your C.E.S. function evaluated at 
each data point (L_i,K_i).

Can you calculate the Hessian matrix (second derivative matrix) 
of the cost function with respect to the parameters, and see 
under what conditions it is positive definite?  (i.e. under 
what conditions is your cost function convex?)

A non-convex cost function is one possible reason why a 
nonlinear optimization routine may have trouble converging.  
There are some fiddles you can apply if you don't have convexity 
but they don't always work.  For example, in Newton descent, you 
use a Hessian matrix to calculate a descent step and in BFGS you 
use an approximate inverse Hessian to calculate a descent step.  
If the Hessian is not positive definite, you can cheat by making 
it positive-definite by using a modified cholesky factorization, 
e.g. Schnabel and Eskow.  This should guarantee a descent 

Sometimes you don't need a Hessian to be positive-definite in 
all directions, only within the subspace dictated by the 
constraints.  For example the negative(*) Cobb-Douglas utility 
function (for two commodities) is not convex over all R2 but it 
is convex in the subspace in which the budget constraint is 
satisfied at equality.  I'm not talking about regression here, 
just "max utility subject to budget constraint".

(*) negative, because instead of maximizing utility and having 
to talk about concavity I want to talk about minimizing 
negative utility so I can talk about convexity.

Consider a second-order Taylor approximation about a potential 
minimizing solution x*.  x is the vector of parameters.  g is 
the cost function (because I already used 'f' above for the 
C.E.S. function).  x* is the optimal solution.  If there's 
any chance of standard nonlinear optimization working, we 
hope that g'(x*) is zero.

g(x) = g(x*) + g'(x*)(x-x*) + (1/2)(x-x*)T g''(x*) (x-x*)

(where T means transpose)

So with g'(x*) = 0, we have

g(x)-g(x*) = (1/2)(x-x*)T g''(x*)(x-x*)

So if we move in a direction x-x* away from the optimal point 
x*, we want this to always be positive (strictly convex, 
positive definte hessian), or at least never be negative 
(positive semi-definite hessian).  g''(x*) is the Hessian 
evaluated at the optimal solution.

There are many ways to test positive-definiteness.  If all the 
eigenvalues are positive the matrix is positive definte.  There 
are several ways to test positive definiteness over the subspace 
dictated by your constraints, e.g. a bordered hessian.

Good luck,

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