[R] question about random variable generating function

Alec Stephenson astephen at efs.mq.edu.au
Fri Aug 6 03:50:55 CEST 2004

Both: norm_rand generates a standard normal, rnorm allows mean and
standard deviation arguments, so using the latter is easiest.

Alec Stephenson                                               
Department of Statistics
Macquarie University
NSW 2109, Australia 

>>> <xt_wang at cs.concordia.ca> 08/06/04 11:34am >>>
Hello, everybody,

I have questions about functions in chapter 5: The R API:entry points
for c 
code in "writing R Extensions".
They are :

1. double rnorm(double mu, double sigma)
2. double norm_rand()

question is: which of the above two functions can be used to generate a
variable of normal distribution?

If norm_rand() is the function, how can I generate random variables
mean=0 and standard deviation=5? As I know, it is used to generate a
variable which mean=0,std=1.

I will appreciate very much if anybody can help me.

Thanks in advance!


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