[R] Question on TukeyHSD

Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna morzarialuna at wisc.edu
Thu Aug 19 22:20:00 CEST 2004

	I am running a ANOVA on a factorial design, and using TukeyHSD
for post hoc comparisons. I have 2 factors with three levels each:
		Factor B
Factor A    1   2   3

When I look at the Tukey output (on the interaction of the factors) the
comparisons come out numbered 1-36. 

             diff         lwr      upr
[1,]  49.1666667 -160.041022 258.3744
[2,]  50.0000000 -159.207689 259.2077

[35,]  84.3333333 -124.874355 293.5410
[36,]  57.6666667 -151.541022 266.8744

Does anyone know how the function numbers the comparisons or an easy way
of figuring out the order without having to go back and calculate the
means between each pair and then going back to compare them with the

Thank you in advance

Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna
Department of Botany
341 Birge Hall
430 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 265 9722

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