[R] "o" bty with different axes

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Thu Aug 26 10:53:30 CEST 2004

bavorak at klobouk.fsv.cvut.cz wrote:

> Is it possible to create plot bty=o with different scale of left- and
> right x-axis? 

See the mailing list archives, this has been discussed several times 
during the last years.
Why is this related to bty="o" (which is the default)???

> In my documents, by typesetting, bty=u looks disruptively.

I don't see why using different scalings is related to bty settings???

> At 2nd: how to frame the whole box (including title and axes labels) and
> resize to landscape-oriented rectangle?

a) Please read the help page! ?box tells us something about an argument 
called "which" ...

b) Orientation is controlled by arguments to the function that starts 
the device (e.g. argument "horizontal" in postscript()).

Uwe Ligges

> Tomas Bayer
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