[R] boot package

Nathan Leon Pace, MD, MStat n.l.pace at utah.edu
Sun Dec 5 02:37:43 CET 2004


I using the boot package 1.2-20 on R 2.0.1.

My statistics function estimates 6 parameters.

In a small percentage of resampled data sets my statistics function 
doesn't produce an estimate for one parameter and the boot function 
stops with an error.

I can write an ifelse(exists('parameter.estimate'), parameter.estimate, 
NA) statement within the statistic function to substitute an NA for the 
missing estimate value.

However, the boot.ci function to generate CIs from the boot object 
won't accept NAs.

My problem is writing code to impute a numeric value for the missing 
estimate. ifelse won't generate a numeric value if the test is mode 

Any suggestions?


Nathan Leon Pace, MD, MStat	Work:n.l.pace at utah.edu
Department of Anesthesiology	Home:nlpaces at comcast.net
University of Utah			Work:801.581.6393
Salt Lake City, Utah			    Home:801.467.2925
					Fax:801.581.4367										Cell:801.558.3987

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