[R] correction to the previously asked question (about merging factors)

DJNordlund@aol.com DJNordlund at aol.com
Thu Feb 5 21:55:35 CET 2004

>In a message dated 2/5/2004 12:25:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
>svetlana.eden at vanderbilt.edu writes:
>I have two factors l1, l2, and I'd like to merge them.
>(Remark:       The factors can not be converted to charaters)
>Function c() does not give me the result I want:
>> l1 = factor(c('aaaa', 'bbbb'))
>> l2 = factor(c('ccc', 'dd'))
>> lMerge = factor(c(l1, l2))
>> lMerge
>[1] 1 2 1 2
>Levels: 1 2
>I'd like to merge l1 and l2 and to get lMerge 
>[1] aaaa bbbb ccc dd
>Levels: aaaa bbbb ccc dd

How about something like:

     IMerge<- factor(c(as.character(I1),as.character(I2)))

Dan Nodlund

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