[R] R on VMS

Martin Stauber stauber at biomed.ee.ethz.ch
Thu Feb 26 17:09:53 CET 2004

Dear R-Community,

I would like to compile R on VMS. Is there anybody out there who has 
already tried to do that? I am grateful for any hint. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Martin Stauber

Martin Stauber
Institute for Biomedical Engineering
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
and University of Zurich
Moussonstrasse 18, CH-8044 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 1 632 45 82    Fax.: +41 1 632 12 14
E-mail:         stauber at biomed.ee.ethz.ch
Web:            www.bioelectronics.ethz.ch

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