[R] Statistical package

nkdas@veccal.ernet.in nkdas at veccal.ernet.in
Tue Jul 20 13:32:19 CEST 2004

 Dear Martin Maechler,

     I came accross your valuable contribution in the domain of statistical computing
 through Web site. I can't but appreciate your great endeavour. 
     I would be grateful to you if you could kindly suggest me or help me  to utilize
 the free statistical pckage like R  with Mannual.  I am esepcially interested in Time
 Series Analysis and plotting of experimental data. It transpires that you have a good 
 number of  excellent package for the same. To name a few - Lag, Lag plot, embed,  
 spectrum, spec, plot spec, spec.pgram, acf, plot acf, ccf, acf2AR etc. would be very  
 useful for my work. 

 Looking forward to hear you soon.

 With best regards.

                                   Nisith  Das
                            Helium Laboratory
                      variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
                      1/AF, Bidhan Nagar ; Kolkata- 700 064
                                   India ; 
                  Phone : +91-33- 2334 1523 (R); +91-33 - 2321 4983 (Office)
                   FAX : +91-33-2337 46 37

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