[R] Can R work on very large of data?

Kevin Wang Kevin.Wang at maths.anu.edu.au
Wed Jul 21 16:14:56 CEST 2004

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Hayashi Soichi - shayas wrote:

> Is there anyway I can tweak R around so that it will start processing as
> data comes and not load everthing on memory at once? The reason for this is

Have you read through R Data Import/Export?

There are several other ways, to name a few: scan() and RODBC -- I haven't
used the later though.



Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
PhD Student
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
Building 27, Room 1004
Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI)
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200

Homepage: http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/~wangk/
Ph (W): +61-2-6125-2431
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