[R] e1071, R1.9.0, Solaris 2.9, should I be worried?

Rong-En Fan rafan at infor.org
Sun Jun 13 06:23:49 CEST 2004

On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 04:38:44PM +1200, Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:
> In R 1.9.0 running under Solaris 2.9 on a SunBlade 100,
> with "Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3 2001/05/15" as the
> C++ compiler, I just did

> How worried should I be?
> I guess the "Warning: x hides Solver::x" warnings related to a deliberate
> style choice, but what about the "String literal converted to char*" ones?

as the message says, things like

info("Exceeds max_iter in multiclass_prob\n");

and the info() accepts char * as parameter

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