[R] possible bug in aov?

Arditi, Aries aarditi at lighthouse.org
Tue Mar 2 21:27:00 CET 2004

Hi, I'm interested in doing a repeated measures anova using aov.  The procedure is nicely described in section 6.7.1, pp. 24-27 of Baron and Li's "Notes on the use of R for psychology experiments and
questionnaires," and I've reproduced their example exactly.

My own problem is almost identical to theirs:

rawdat<-c(1.6530074e+001, 1.2124254e+001, 1.0040371e+001, 1.5317610e+001, 1.2332377e+001,
1.0102947e+001, 1.7087520e+001, 1.1692890e+001, 1.1809286e+001, 1.4748297e+001, 1.0717683e+001,
8.7908203e+000, 1.3140706e+001, 9.7947745e+000, 8.3588329e+000, 1.5623756e+001, 9.6382132e+000,
8.7209537e+000, 1.5321620e+001, 1.1347325e+001,  8.5177789e+000,  1.3271254e+001,  9.7376040e+000,
8.7803153e+000  , 1.3155236e+001, 1.0157526e+001, 8.4003486e+000, 1.3083896e+001, 9.6644615e+000,
8.1586026e+000, 1.2167609e+001 , 9.1319943e+000, 7.4251013e+000, 1.3284386e+001, 9.1596335e+000,
7.9175876e+000,  1.1876537e+002,  7.8831935e+001,  6.2203784e+001,  1.0729023e+002,  7.3790904e+001, 5.8588328e+001,  1.1890329e+002,  6.6345430e+001,  5.3117505e+001,  3.7261647e+002, 2.4538572e+002,  2.2372152e+002,  3.2602801e+002,  2.3267124e+002,  2.0944016e+002,  2.9755054e+002,  2.3970708e+002,  2.2379642e+002)

sample.df <- data.frame(dep.variable=rawdat,
subject=factor(rep(paste("subj",1:6, sep=""),each=9)),
sample.aov <- aov(dep.variable ~ factor1 * factor2 + Error(subject/(factor1+factor2)), data=df)

But the aov function returns an error:

Error in "names<-.default"(`*tmp*`, value = nmstrata) :
        names attribute must be the same length as the vector

I am using R1.8.1.

Any help or insight on a workaround would be appreciated.

Aries Arditi
Senior Fellow
Arlene R. Gordon Research Institute
Lighthouse International

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