[R] ISO country codes available in R's {map}?

Ray Brownrigg ray at mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Fri Mar 5 04:35:33 CET 2004

> Does any one know wether it is possible to get the Country codes from the
> Map package - I've not found anything in the docs and only seen a post re.
> how to get country names.  I'd like to programmatically marry some data
> indexed by ISO country code to the map package contry names.  If not then
> I'll need to hunt for a listing and try and marry that to the {map}
> names.....
No part of the maps package knows anything about ISO country codes.  I
guess if there was a database of ISO country codes somewhere, it
wouldn't be too difficult to provide some add-on functionality to merge
the internal polygon numbers with country code numbers.  The hardest
part would be what to do with mismatches.

Ray Brownrigg

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