[R] Different missing links on Windows in 'check' vs. 'install'

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Tue Mar 9 04:26:40 CET 2004

On Mon, 8 Mar 2004 18:20:29 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

>In trying to figure out how these things are determiend, I noticed that in
>Windows there was a difference in the reported missing links when one does
>'Rcmd check' vs 'Rcmd install' (or 'Rcmd install --build').  In the
>example above, using either of the 'install' methods results in that link
>not being reported as missing (and if I put in an intentionally missing
>link it gets picked up as such), but 'check' reports it as missing.  I'm
>wondering what the difference in environment is between check & install on
>Windows as that might help me to figure out why check reports these as
>missing links.

This is something we should fix. I haven't checked the code, but I
believe the rule is that check will only find links to base packages,
but install will find links to any package installed on the system.

You can avoid the errors in check by using the
\link[package:topic]{foo} syntax, to tell R where to find the link:
but you need to give the filename of the Rd file as the topic, not an
alias to it.

Duncan Murdoch

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