[R] Package cclust error

Sebastien Durand sebastiendurand at videotron.ca
Tue Mar 9 15:09:18 CET 2004

Hello, here is my problem,

After looking at the mail archives, I found a 
description of the error I get when I use this 
At first I even tought that they were showing how to solve it.

But the thing is that by saying "the programmer 
forgot drop=FALSE" doesn't show me how I should 
get rid of the problem
I have looked inside the package very quickly and 
I found three files, I am not sure what to do to 
fix this (the problem is describe bellow)

I would be very happy to have someone show me how to solve my problem....

Thanks a lot

Sébastien Durand

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, David Wartel wrote:

>  I have to solve a clustering problem.
>  My first step is to determinate the number of clusters, that's why I 'm using
>... number of clusters.
>  A function is already implemented in R to calculate this index :
>  clustIndex(cl,x, index="calinski")

Where is that from? It's not part of R -- package cclust, perhaps?

>  where cl is the result of a clustering method , for instance:
>  cclust(x,k,itermax,verbose=TRUE,method="kmeans")
>  My probleme is that I can't calculate the Calinski's index when a cluster
>  contains only one datapoint :
>  Error in cov(x[cluster == l, ]) : supply both x and y or a matrix-like x

The programmer forgot drop=FALSE, it would seem.

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