[R] variable scope

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Sat Mar 27 11:59:49 CET 2004

On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 21:34:21 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>getdata <- function(p){
>  fname <- NULL; dl <- list(NULL)#build the sturcture
>  dt <- read.csv(file.path(d,i),header=F)  #data frame
>  ret <- builddl(dt,s) #where "s" is a string
>how can I get this following function to use fname and
>dl from the above function without passing them down
>the chain?
>builddl <- function(q,s){
>  fname <- c(fname,s)
>  dl <- list( dl, q)

The normal way would be to define builddl() within getdata(), i.e.

getdata <- function(p){
  builddl <- function(q,s){
    fname <- c(fname,s)
    dl <- list( dl, q) 
  fname <- NULL; dl <- list(NULL)#build the sturcture
  dt <- read.csv(file.path(d,i),header=F)  #data frame
  ret <- builddl(dt,s) #where "s" is a string

Duncan Murdoch

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