[R] how to sort the contents of a list-object?

Martin Kerick m.kerick at mucosa.de
Wed May 12 10:22:43 CEST 2004

Dear all,

I have a list-object RGList named RG containing two vectors (RG$R and RG$G)
and a data.frame(RG$genes) with 8 variables. Each of the variables of the
data.frame have the same length as the two vectors. I think the data in the
RGList is structured in such a way, that the first entry in the vector RG$R
belongs to the first entry in the data.frame variable e.g. RG$genes$Row.
Now my question:
Is it possible to sort the RGList object by the values of one variable of my
data.frame e.g. RG$genes$Row without loosing the ties between the different
parts of the list ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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