[R] GLMMs & LMEs: dispersion parameters, fixed variances, design matrices

Simon Wood simon at stats.gla.ac.uk
Thu May 13 11:53:32 CEST 2004

Hi Mark,

> (2) Is there a way to tell lme (either in nlme or lme4) to just use a
> specified design matrix Z for the random effects, rather than
> constructing one itself from factors? Sometimes I would really like to
> use my own funny-looking Z matrix (e.g. with non-integer coefficients),
> and even with contrasts() I haven't managed to do this.

Here's a simple example showing a `standard' call to lme, and a
less standard one doing the same thing with a specified Z....

lme(travel~1,Rail,~1|Rail) # simple r.e. model example

## now repeat fit with home-made Z...
Rail$all<-factor(rep(1,18)) # all one group
## create a simple Z ...
## use pdIdent to force r.e.s to be independent ...


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