[R] GUI data browsers

wwsprague@ucdavis.edu wwsprague at ucdavis.edu
Wed May 19 20:22:04 CEST 2004

Hi R-helpers,

Does anyone know of a good Tk (or other) script that allows somewhat 
intuitive viewing of all of the variables (especially complex lists) in 
a session?  I would also like to delete, save to file, and rename them 
graphically.  I would also like a lot of supplemental information like 
class, atrributes, names, modes, whatever else...

Context:  I am running simulations (demographic) which generate big, 
complex datastructures that I store as lists of lists of lists of... 
(you understand).  Some of the components are informational things (like 
date of the run, the call, etc), while some are results of computation 
(like eigenvalues of a transition matrix, or generated vectors for each 
generation).  I vary the parameters and do runs, graph certain pieces of 
a bunch of runs (like the  largest eigenvalue against a certain 
parameter across all runs).

My inspiration (ahem) for this idea is ARCGIS, which, it's other 
problems aside, is pretty good at helping one keep track of all the 
various layers that go into a map.

If this would help anyone, it might be a good project for me to take 
on--please send feature requests!  I would probably try to extend some 
of the tcltk examples, especially the tree thingy.

I *don't* need form based windows for doing analyses.  I am quite 
comfortable on the command line, I just lose track of all the variables 
I generate.

Sorry for the extensive verbiage....


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