[R] accessing function arguments as text, macro style

Ed L Cashin ecashin at uga.edu
Tue May 25 19:55:31 CEST 2004

Hi.  In a case like this, I can get strip headings that have the name
"c" and the value for c.

  d <- data.frame(a=1:5,b=6:10,c=11:15)
  > xyplot(a ~ b | paste("c", c), data=d)

For more complicated examples, instead of using paste repeatedly I
would like to use a function.  It seems like what I really want is a
macro, though.  I'm not quite familiar enough with R's treatment of
function parameters to know how to do something like this (ficticious

  f <- function(x) { paste(identifier(x), value(x)) }
  > rambo <- "brave"
  > f(rambo)
  "rambo brave"

I've checked ?function, ?args, ?eval, and some others, but I think
I'm barking up the wrong tree.  Any pointers would be most
--Ed L Cashin            |   PGP public key:
  ecashin at uga.edu        |   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

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