[R] pmvt problem in multcomp

Chihiro Kuroki kuroki at oak.dti.ne.jp
Wed May 26 11:00:48 CEST 2004

Dear Mr.Torsten:

At Sun, 23 May 2004 11:40:51 +0200 (CEST),
Torsten Hothorn wrote:
> Yes, `pmvt' returns NaN without indicating this error. We need to check.
> Thanks for the report (and *please* cc emails reporting problems with
> packages to the maintainer!),

I am dreadfully sorry I did not cc mail to you. 

> If the question relates to a package that is downloaded from
> CRAN try contacting the package maintainers first.

I overlooked the above-mentioned sentence.

BTW, I have another strange example of simtest. I want to know
why simtest returns these p-values.

-- example 1 -------------------------------
rm(list = ls())
y1 <- c(seq(3,7),seq(3,7))
y2 <- c(rep(c(6,7,8,9),7))
sort(runif(28),index=T) -> a
y3 <- numeric(0)
for(i in 1:28){
  y3[i] <- y2[a$ix[i]]
y4 <- c(y1,y3,14,18)

f2 <- factor(c(rep(1,10),rep(2,8),rep(3,8),rep(4,8),rep(5,6)))
dat2 <- cbind(as.data.frame(y4),f2)
summary(simtest(y4 ~ f2, data=dat2, type="Dunnett"))

> dat2
   y4 f2
1   3  1
2   4  1
3   5  1
4   6  1
5   7  1
6   3  1
7   4  1
8   5  1
9   6  1
10  7  1
11  6  2
12  7  2
13  6  2
14  9  2
15  7  2
16  8  2
17  6  2
18  8  2
19  9  3
20  8  3
21  7  3
22  9  3
23  6  3
24  8  3
25  9  3
26  7  3
27  7  4
28  9  4
29  6  4
30  6  4
31  9  4
32  8  4
33  7  4
34  9  4
35  6  5
36  8  5
37  8  5
38  7  5
39 14  5
40 18  5
> summary(simtest(y4 ~ f2, data=dat2, type="Dunnett"))

	 Simultaneous tests: Dunnett contrasts 

simtest.formula(formula = y4 ~ f2, data = dat2, type = "Dunnett")

	 Dunnett contrasts for factor f2

Contrast matrix:
          f21 f22 f23 f24 f25
f22-f21 0  -1   1   0   0   0
f23-f21 0  -1   0   1   0   0
f24-f21 0  -1   0   0   1   0
f25-f21 0  -1   0   0   0   1

Absolute Error Tolerance:  0.001 

        Estimate t value Std.Err. p raw p Bonf p adj
f25-f21    5.167  -4.644    1.022 0.000  0.000 0.000
f23-f21    2.875  -2.813    1.022 0.008  0.024 0.022
f24-f21    2.625  -2.569    1.022 0.015  0.029 0.028
f22-f21    2.125  -2.079    1.113 0.045  0.045 0.045

I got the following inequality from the appended chart of a

2.558 < d(5, 35, 0.4263464, 0.05) < 2.598

Are these "p adj" values right?
Or do I misunderstand some? 
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