[R] Opening help pages in new tab of existing Mozilla Firebird

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Wed May 26 18:06:59 CEST 2004

On Wed, 2004-05-26 at 10:32, Kevin Wright wrote:
> Subject pretty much says it all.  I currently have options()$browser
> set to open help pages in Mozilla Firebird, but it starts a new window
> each time and I would like a new 'tab' in an existing window.
> Sorry if this is obvious, but I can't find anything.
> Kevin Wright

You do not indicate which OS you are running, but under Linux, you can
use a script such as the following. It will check the current process
list to see if an instance of Firefox is already present. If so, it will
open a new tab. Otherwise, it opens a new window.


# if 'firefox-bin' in current ps listing,
if ps -e|grep firefox-bin >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  firefox -remote "openURL(${1}, new-tab)" && exit 0
#open new instance 
  firefox $1 && exit 0

Copy the above into a script file and set it to be executable (chmod +x
ScriptFileName). Then set options()$browser to use the script file.

Note also that the recent version of the Mozilla standalone browser is
called Firefox, in recognition of the existence of the Firebird
(formerly Interbase) SQL database project.


Marc Schwartz

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