[R] list files ignoring the case option

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com
Thu Nov 4 15:38:39 CET 2004

Adaikalavan Ramasamy wrote:

> Sorry if this is a question more on regular expressions. I am dealing
> with several files which have been badly named. For example the files
> are given either the extensions txt, TXT or Txt. I wish to select all
> those files ending with 'txt' ignoring case.
> Here is how I would do it in bash (Redhat FC2) :
>    touch  a1.txt  a2.TXT  a3.Txt  txt.control  TXT.control
>    ls -1 | grep -i "txt$"
> Here is how I am currently doing it in R
>    a <- list.files(all.files=T)
>    grep( "txt$", a, ignore.case=T, value=T )
> Is it possible for me to modify the following line to include ignore
> case option ?
>    a <- list.files( pattern="txt$" )
> Thank you.
> Regards, Adai

Not much of a regexpr guy myself, but the following should work:

list.files(pattern = "[tT][xX][tT]$")

There's probably a better answer though.


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